Veria's FC policy is simply to be respectful of all other players and to help each other out whenever possible. We have lots of things in the FC Mansion, so please have fun using them & please talk to us if you have any questions or need anything at all! we are here to help all who ask, and we hope you pay it forward by helping each other out Feel free to send a tell to the FC leaders Nhim'sera Vilauclaire, LadyNova Jakal and Necro Jakal. Or one of the sub Leaders; Fishsticks Colossus, Goldseller Mcspambot, and Berit Grengra. if you need any help or have any questions about anything at all.
Our Fc guidelines are outlined here in detail. If you are a recently added New Blood, or perhaps just interested in joining our motley group of adventurer's, please continue reading! We are a family so the best way to make our Free Company work is if everyone makes an effort, so let’s all try and do our part to make Veria great!
Policies Overview:
-These guidelines are in place to create a safe and enjoyable environment for chatting and gaming & should be followed as much as possible by all members.
-First and foremost, our fc policy is to treat others with respect, patience, and kindness. This extends to anyone on the server. We should all make an effort to represent our company well and to cause no conflict for the company, internal or external.
-Please avoid conflict when possible. The ideal in any problematic situation is to avoid making fellow FC members feel uncomfortable & to maintain a pleasant environment for the FC. As an FC in general, we know we are all only human and we are very understanding and supportive.
-If you find that you are in a situation where you are having trouble with another company member (or are temporarily ticked off) ; you may avoid conversation, or if worse comes to worse block them, but the FC chat and the Veria Discord Channel is meant to be a respectful and inclusive environment for every member. If the company leaders can help you resolve a conflict in any way we will be more than happy to.
-We are a FC family, not a clique with some members being more important than others. It may sound cliche but we all really do see ourselves as a family. You can come to us without fear and trust us to be fair, patient, and reasonable with you; don't be afraid, we don't bite! (hard)
Code of Conduct:
DO feel free to chat and banter between encounters and during routine, easy play. •
DO zip your lips when it’s time to focus. Keep the channel clear for strategy and coordination during boss fights and during strategy briefings. Unless you have a question. We try and use Discord for teaching, even if you are muted, please download it if possible.
DON’T use language that’s offensive to players of a different gender, race, faith, or other group than you are. Show the same respect for whoever else might be there as you’d like shown to yourself. Note: This is the big one to pay attention to, folks. This has no place in our home.
DON’T indulge in rude humor that could be offensive to others. • DO go read the “Discord Rules” if you plan on getting in voice chat.
DON’T take things that don't belong to you. Tab one is open to all to use in the FC Chest. Please only take what you NEED.
DO feel free to ask questions and for HELP! We are here to be as helpful as possible!
DON’T take problems into FC chat. If a problem is to arise with a FC member, please contact a lead FIRST! Leader’s will handle it. If you have a problem of your own nature, please see us as well. Leader’s can be reached at any time via /tell, Companion App or Discord.
DO take part in FC events. We do are best to make FC events fun for everyone, new and old alike!
DON'T Troll. Trolling of any kind is not allowed in this FC. Regardless if it's "funny" to you, it's not to others.
DO help out the when you can. On the Members main page, you will find a list of items we use on a regular basis. Please help the FC by donating said items when possible, help out members, and help with company workshop projects.
Crafting Tables:
We have all the crafting stations on the second floor in the crafts room (the cooking station is on the main floor in the kitchen respectfully). They are there for everyone to take advantage of so please do use them if you are leveling a crafting class! Clicking on them gives you a useful CP boost to DOH under level 40, which lasts for a 1/2 hour. And if you should need help with crafting we have many pros in the FC, give us a shout!
Chocobo Stables:
The stables are for everyone! You can train/feed your chocobo to level it, or change its color. You can also train other members birds, so please do! it helps alot. If you still need to do the quest to stable your chocobo, here is the info for that: it requires the level 30 quest ‘Bird in Hand’ which can be undertaken by talking to Luquelot in Central Shroud (x20,y21). (You need to have completed the quest ‘My Feisty Little Chocobo’ first and belong to a Free Company with a stable in order to utilize it.
The FC Gardens:
The Gardens are open for everyone! please remember to maintain your own plants should you put any in the plots that we have. We have two rules:
1. Never pick anyone else’s plant before asking in the chat about it. If you dont know who planted it, place it in the first tab of the companychest.
2. Please ask before planting. Many players use the fc garden to grow things for all members, like krakka root to train all the chocobos, or complicated cross-breeding, so communication is key.
* Plants in the Garden, once finished growing die within 2 real time hours. If the Planter is not online, a FC leader will put it in chest 2 for safekeeping. Please ASK when you login if your plants are not in the garden plot itself, and a leader will Gladly retrieve it for you.*
The FC Chest:
-The FC chest first tab is for all FC members, so PLEASE take whatever you need! We tend to have it chock full of food and random materials and the selection changes often , so check often.
-Need anything not in the Chest? Feel free to ask in FC chat! There is almost always someone who can help. If you don’t find what you need the first time or don’t get an answer in chat feel free to send a tell or letter asking. We really do try to help each other out whenever we can.
Gil donations are never required of anyone, but should you choose to make one they are non-refundable and greatly appreciated. Said gil is used on housing items to make the mansion look even better than before!
Opportunities! Opportunites Everywhere!:
-As an FC we aim to provide you with opportunities for entertainment, friendship, progression, and so much more. However, the responsibility of seizing those opportunities rests solely on each of us as individual players. Should you wish to be involved in things, please feel free to get in the mix. We welcome ideas & questions. To get involved, feel free to speak up in chat. To stay in the loop, check the website and in-game company board when you can for updates and important information. If you want something, just let us know.